18 October 2022

Dilemma of motivating remote workers: what can leaders do?

Despite 60% of remote workers preferring hybrid work arrangements to fully returning to the offices, the isolation that comes with the work-at-home model might eventually result in decreased motivation. As 40% of employees state they would consider switching jobs within the next three to six months, companies are changing their approach toward motivating them to stay.  However, when it comes to remote workers, the motivational means have gradually changed over time. For instance, financial benefits are no longer the driving force to stay in their jobs as people seek incentives that would fulfill their psychological needs, like mental health support.  Personal care and alternative benefit packages […]
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18 October 2022

Should recruiters leave interview test tasks behind?

Interview assignments have hit hot water recently, with candidates frustrated about the time wasted on them and the non-compensation. As far as interview processes go, it is still considered a custom practice. However, HR specialists suggest candidates ask for fair reimbursement for them or otherwise assess skills through curated portfolios or personality tests. October 4, 2022. The practice of giving extensive test tasks that are part of a candidate screening process has been criticized as redundant and even unethical, wasting candidates’ time and preventing them from purchasing job opportunities elsewhere. While it might seem like an adequate way of testing […]
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18 October 2022

How Companies Employ AI Technology to Snatch Top Talents

Talent shortage is still a sore issue in many companies—there are over 10M open positions compared to only 6M new hires. Companies are therefore fighting for the best talents—even the ones who are already employed. AI-based recruitment has been one of the recent tricks to select prospective candidates for a position, and its benefits have been recognized as numerous. “Using this digital headhunting technique HR specialists can make strategic decisions regarding candidate hiring and selection, microlearning about certain recruitment aspects, employee experience, payroll and benefits, and workforce scheduling,” Diana Blažaitienė, remote work expert and founder of Soprana Personnel International, which […]
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