16 June 2022

What does it take to become an ideal boss?

It is not easy to be a leader to your employees and lead by example. There are qualities that need to be developed which take time and dedication. However, a strong, smart and skillful manager and leader is needed for any company or employee team to succeed. A bad boss will demotivate employees and bring chaos to the workplace while a good one will increase the productivity of everyone and maintain the engagement of people. Work is such a big part of our lives so everything needs to be done to make it a beneficial and motivating experience. Employees will […]
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16 June 2022

Remote Project Management: Benefits and Creation of a Successful Remote Team

Not long ago project management included people working in a physical environment. However, now when remote work is the new normal, everything has to be successfully managed online. This is a challenge since the remote team consists of people working in different locations and using different tools so project managers have to make sure that good collaboration and productivity remain.There are many benefits of having remote project management. The numerous remote project management tools which help teams have productive work and project managers to monitor the work without interrupting. Planning tools give teams detailed descriptions of the work, it can […]
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16 June 2022

5 tips on how to craft your remote working day

Working from home is still a relatively new idea that started getting popular when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world two years ago. Many people went online with their jobs and even if the benefits of working from your bedroom or home office seemed clear, there were also hardships of staying focused at home and being productive. People realized that working remotely is not as easy as it looks and requires preparation. Even after 2 years of living in the pandemic, finally having the chance to fully get back to normal life, remote work will not disappear and will remain […]
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