26 July 2022

4 Bad Management Practices that Destroy Employee Efficiency and Great Work

A lot of the company’s success depends not only on the fact that it can make
a lot of profits, but also on the good management system and great working culture.
For the organization to work, the employee has to be happy and motivated to work,
with productivity levels constantly high. In today’s work market, young people jump
from job to job until they find a place where they feel good and can continue
developing. The workplace has to be empowering, cozy and accepting. Without
these, a company will not attract new employees and definitely not maintain current
ones for long. Especially bad management practices can really turn away the
employee by giving an impression that the leaders of the company are not worth
working with. These habits that may persist as part of poor management in the
company can be compared to viruses that live in nature. If such issues aren’t solved,
they lead to loss of reputation and fall of the company. The emphasis is then to not
only avoid having bad management practices, but also notice them when they
already have their root in the organization. That’s why we will give 5 examples of
such practices so any manager can understand the causes of many problems.
Let’s start from the first one which is focusing on punishing bad employees
and using fear to motivate them. Being strict may bring short-term results, however,
the employees start hating their management and their working environment leading
to resentment. Employees will not always achieve all the goals and will sometimes
underperform. The smart solution is for managers to work together with the team to
find where the performance can be improved. Best leaders inspire their employees
and support them through hardships. Using fear to motivate is also not an option.
This will only make employees secretly hate their job and search for something
better, be unmotivated and unproductive. Instead of instilling fear, managers should
create a space of respect and engagement. 
The second important bad practice is poor communication. In a company,
great communication is the key to success. Only a manager who knows how to
communicate with employees can guide them and understand the expectations and
goals that have to be met. If there is an overall lack of communication or it is not
emphasized enough, the manager will not give clear instructions as to what to do.
The employees will then feel lost and not motivated to work when there is no support
from the company’s management. Without proper communication, the expectations
of the employee will not be met and this will lead to dysfunctions in the company
Third and very important mistake that managers make is being indecisive.
Employees not only have to feel support from their managers and have freedom to
choose how they will work effectively, but also see that there is someone who takes
leadership of the whole process. This is the reason that a manager is a manager.
They make decisions and take responsibility for actions taken and goals achieved in
the company. The employee seeing a leader who is frozen in decision making and
changes his or her thoughts often will lose confidence and search for someone else
who may replace them. This however may already be in a different company
because there has to be clear goals which are expressed and sought after by the
managers in every company.
The fourth and last bad management practice that may destroy employee
motivation and efficiency is micromanagement. Employees cannot perform at their
best if every move is always closely managed and checked. This only shows a lack

of trust for the employee from the manager side. This toxic practice kills motivation to
work and especially creativity which is necessary in today’s business environment. It
can only survive if the manager mentors the employee and inspires to work their best
on their own. The worst thing would be if the employee starts constantly feeling
tension and stops performing. The constant obsession of monitoring even the
smallest actions of the employee will make him or her leave the company because it
is impossible to give your best in such a tight environment.
Effective management that cares about employees and does everything to
make them as efficient as possible will shape the work culture and lead to a
successful company not only from the outside, but also inside. By not practicing the
bad management practices that were talked about in this article, you will make the
working environment a lot more productive and keep employees happy while being
fully engaged in work.

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