What is cross-boarding and why do you need to know about it?
Most of us are familiar with the term “onboarding” which all employees need to go through in order to successfully start working in a company. Effective onboarding is essential since it may prevent turnover, foster cooperation and enrich organizational culture by demonstrating its values, mission, and achievements. Even though a well-structured and organized onboarding is worth in the long run, it is still quite an expensive activity. Searching for candidates, performing interviews, and filtering candidates are time-consuming and can be costly, not always the chosen candidate may work out. In this case, some companies may consider switching to cross-boarding, which has many benefits such as high retention rate, engagement, and employee satisfaction.
Cross-boarding is the process of transferring an existing employee to a new role within the company. It's the only way to guarantee they're supported, prepared to take on additional duties, engaged, and productive, also in many cases it can save time and money. Cross-boarding, as opposed to onboarding, occurs when you recruit applicants from existing personnel to fill a job opening rather than hiring outside of the company. Furthermore, such practice can be useful when preparing someone who has been promoted to a new post, or when assisting an employee transferring to another department.
How to cross-board correctly?
Step 1: Select the best employees who show potential and are willing to grow and advance.
Step 2: Discuss new professional goals associated with the new position, so the employee has an understanding of what to expect.
Step 3: Create a checklist of all the documents and other items that are essential for a smooth transition of your worker.
Step 4: Organize progress review meetings to track employee performance.
Benefits of cross-boarding
Serves as a motivation to your current employees
Employee appreciation is one of the most practical ways to boost employee motivation. Crossboarding has proven to increase employee motivation and confidence since it demonstrates that the organization is committing the time and resources required for individuals to acquire new skills and “climb the career ladder”. Employees who feel their company would reward outstanding performance are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs and stay in a company.
Growth opportunities
Whenever an employee applies for a new job, one of his preferences is for a company to provide growth opportunities, that’s why career development should be an integral component of organizational culture. Organizations should talk to their workers about their long-term goals, objectives, and career paths and afterward construct a career development plan that aligns with the employee's vision and the needs of the firm. By presenting a career development program or at least notifying the employees about the potential growth they can achieve, you will reassure them that they can advance and learn more. Career development is a powerful tool for engaging, inspiring, and retaining employees.
Improves the understanding of the company’s culture
A current employee has a greater awareness of the corporate culture since he has been working there and he is definitely acquainted with the firm’s shared values, ideas, and habits, When a firm makes an attempt to cross-train its personnel, it demonstrates that it cares about and supports its employees' success. Consequently, your employees will be happy to support their company and continue working there to benefit their employer and to get new knowledge.